A Site is a real location with an address and Assets. These are currently Chargers and Meters.
It's important to always link your Assets to a Site, because some things are managed on a Site-level, such as:
Load management (load, solar, sharing, etc)
Smart Charging (charging on energy prices)
Permissions (who can view and edit)
Charge cards and access
How to create a Site?
Web Portal
Go to Sites
On the top right, click "New Site"
Give the Site a name (can be anything)
Fill in the address. It's important to get the correct Country if you plan on using Smart Charging.
The Owner of a Site is the person or organisation who owns the sensitive data. They can extend access to others to view and edit their data, or transfer ownership completely.
A Site starts without Owner. The Owner can be chosen in 2 ways:
The first person to add a charger in a Site to their app, becomes Owner.
βOne of the Organisations with access to the (ownerless) site, can invite someone to become Owner.
Finally, once someone is Owner, they can always invite someone else to become Owner. There can be only one Owner.
Inviting someone to become Owner of a Site
Web Portal
Go to Sites>View
Scroll down to Access
To add a completely new person: Add new user/organisation, then select I want to transver ownership of this site to this user/organisation
To transfer ownership to an existing member: Click Manage access, then Transfer ownership