This article is written for Volt Time chargers only.
Volt Time chargers can be updated automatically, see π Automatic updates
You can find all firmwares here:
Source 2s
How to manually update your Volt Time charger
Source and Source 2s
Check the current firmware version
You must first check which firmware the charger is currently on.
Make sure the car is unplugged, the charger should shine green and have status "Available"
Go to Chargers > View
On the Overview tab, scroll to Boot Information and check Firm. version
Download the correct firmware
The first version in the name should match the version the charger is currently on.
For example,
can only be applied to a charger currently running on 1.3.5, and will update it to 1.4.5.
Updating the firmware (via Volt Time Cloud or a different backoffice)
To update the firmware:
Make sure the car is unplugged, the charger should shine green and have status "Available"
Go to Chargers > View
On the Overview tab, scroll to Management
Click Choose File, then choose the correct update file.
Wait for the upload to finish, then press Update
The update can take up to 60 minutes. The charger's LED may behave strangely and you can hear clicking noises.
Do not unpack the update file. You must upload the complete .zip file to the charger.
Updating the firmware (locally)
To update the firmware locally, so not via a backoffice, follow these steps:
Log into the charger locally π Locally logging into your Volt Time charger
Go to the Admin tab
Under System Update, click Browse
Upload the correct update file. Do not unpack the file, upload the whole .zip file.
Click install update
The update can take up to 30 minutes. The charger's LED may behave strangely and you can hear clicking noises.
Source 2s
At the moment it is not possible to manually update this charger.
At the moment it is not possible to manually update this charger.