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Changing the LED brightness

How to change the LED brightness of your Volt Time charger

Updated over 3 months ago

To change your LED brightness, you need to enable Advanced Settings for your account.

How to change the LED brightness

Source 2s

Web Portal

  1. Go to Charger>Commands

  2. Select ChangeConfiguration

  3. Enter key: VendorLEDStrength

  4. Enter a value between 0 and 3

  5. Press Send

0 is the least bright and 3 is the brightest.

This will change the LED brightness for all LED states.

Source and Source 2

Web Portal

  1. Go to Charger>Configuration

  2. Find they key called OEM_LEDBrightness

  3. Change to a value between 1 and 100

1 is the least bright and 100 is the brightest.

This will change the LED brightness for all LED states.

Local (not recommended, not supported)

  1. Locally log in to your Source or Source 2 charger

  2. Go the LED tab

  3. Scroll to the desired LED state, for instance Idle

  4. Change the RGB values to the desired strengths

  5. Press Save on the bottom of the page

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